In 2020, Georgia Tech introduced a new 10-year strategic plan clearly stating the Institute’s values. In furtherance of the strategic goals and values of the Institute, the OGC has aligned its priorities with the Institute’s strategic plan (“ISP”). This alignment will ensure our human and technological assets are allocated and used effectively, and that our mission, strategic plan, and internal values mirror those of the Institute. Our core principles of excellence, solution-driven service, collaboration, integrity, diverse perspectives, and inclusion will guide us in executing our strategic plan.

The OGC Strategic Plan will:

  • Guide the OGC in directing its resources and efforts to achieve its mission of effectively serving the Georgia Tech community; and
  • Establish a clearly defined, robust, data-driven, and stakeholder-supported 3-year OGC strategic plan and implementation roadmap that complements the Institute’s decade-long strategy.

We are initiating this plan now and will conduct annual evaluations to ensure consistent progress. As we look ahead to the next three years and beyond, we’re optimistic about Georgia Tech’s future and remain committed to being an integral partner and trusted advisor in accomplishing the Institute’s mission.

OGC Strategic Planning Committee 

Eric Hoffman, Assistant General Counsel, Chair
Wayne Davenport, Executive Director, Enterprise Risk Management 
Aric Edwards, COI Compliance Manager 
Hyen Sung, Chief Counsel 

Special thanks to Georgia Tech Strategic Consulting: Andrew Billing, Senior Director, and Samuel Karanja, Senior Strategy Consultant.

Executive Summary: Office of the General Counsel’s Strategic Plan (FY2024 – FY2027)

In the next three years, we will focus on three strategic areas to achieve our mission in advancing the Institute’s strategic priorities.

OGC Strategic Plan (FY2024 - FY2027)

OGC Strategic Plan (FY2024 - FY2027) Executive Summary


OGC's Mission Statement

As a trusted advisor and partner to the campus community, the Office of the General Counsel advances Georgia Tech’s strategic initiatives by providing solution-oriented support and comprehensive guidance on legal, ethical and compliance issues, and risk management.

Strategic Goal #1

We aim to build and maintain an agile, efficient, inclusive, collaborative, and performance-driven team that adapts to the evolving operating environment and works together to achieve the best results for the Institute.

To achieve this goal, we have the following objectives:

  1. Refine the organizational structure to support the OGC’s mission and to carry out the OGC’s strategic plan.
  2. Ensure each OGC member understands their roles and responsibilities and has a professional development plan as well as annual SMART goals that advance their plan and align with the OGC’s goals.
  3. Foster an engaged team which promotes collaboration and employee well-being.
  4. Define a performance-driven culture and implement initiatives to promote excellence and accountability.

Strategic Goal #2

We champion innovation through enhancing OGC processes and updating technology to promote compliance, efficiency, and accessibility.

To achieve this goal, we have the following objectives:

  1. Acquire and/or utilize the right technological tools to enable a data-informed, modern, efficient, and effective OGC operation.

  2. Streamline OGC workflows and adopt processes to best utilize OGC resources.

  3. Employ user-friendly processes to ensure compliance, efficiency, and accessibility.


Strategic Goal #3

We strive to be a better partner by cultivating and maintaining a close relationship with campus stakeholders and serving as a trusted advisor by helping clients navigate legal, ethical, and compliance risks and developing mitigation strategies.

To achieve this goal, we have the following objectives:

  1. Implement an outreach plan that communicates the OGC’s changed functions and informs campus on how we will better serve the community.
  2. Engage campus partners continuously and proactively to understand their needs.
  3. Develop a plan to track the needs of theInstitute and its constituents so that OGC leadership can prioritize and address these needs holistically and allocate resources appropriately.

We have started implementation with a 12-month roadmap and will follow with an annual evaluation of the plan to ensure continued progress.